Tuesday, 31 July 2007


I am conscious that for many people blogging is a writing thing. I write (or at least draft) a lot - pages and pages of technical documents; long letters of advice; emails; notes; reports. I do it all day (and sometime all night) long. None of it has any literary merit! I enjoy the writing on the blogs I read - it is funny; moving; thoughtful; entertaining; informative. People frequently take care to select a subject and write about it in a way which will make the reader want to read it - not always but mostly. Last week I had to write a letter to a friend whose child had died suddenly overnight - how do you find anything sensible to say?


Poetess said...

Just found your blog to day through Crystal Jigsaw.

I'm sorry to hear of your friends loss and finding words must be difficult to even the most accomplished writer in these circumstances.


Anonymous said...

Oh how very sad. I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't think there are any adequate words really ... I'm sure your friends will just be pleased to know that you care.

@themill said...

Write from your heart - your friends will know.

Anonymous said...

In such sadness, there are few words which will help. Your thoughtfulness and friendship will matter more. If they know you are there, they will find comfort.

God bless, Crystal xx

occasional northerner said...

Thanks. The funeral was today. I couldn't go. I'll write again.

Anonymous said...

im so sorry just read your blog hope you dont mind jep